Thursday, April 11, 2019

Water dripping from ceiling!

So it's 9:45pm and there is the loud sound of water drops hitting the floor. Out of curiosity, mama goes into the kitchen to investigate.

The ceiling has a steading dripping of water splashing all over the carpet and walls!

Water fills up this bowl and then emptied back out into the sink.

Multiple spots on the ceiling are starting leak! The maintenance man came by to see the problem on our ceiling then to the unit upstairs. A lot of noise going on upstairs.

The dripping is getting worse. What is going on up there!?


The maintenance man told us that the dishwasher above was broken and was leaking water through the floor.

Then he punched a few holes in the ceiling to help get the water out of the ceiling. He also told us that he forgot to turn on the gas in the building so the pilot light went out on the hot water tank. That explains why there was no hot water today.

Don't drink that water Shippo!

Monday, April 8, 2019

The sink pipe problem, again.

So, Shippo notices the leaking pipes under the master bathroom sink. The maintenance here at Margate Manor said that they had fixed it the last time we reported/complained about it. The pipes are leaking again, goes to show the quality of workmanship here. Just... quality....

As you can see, we had to put a shelf here because the last time pipes leaked, everything on the bottom got completely wet and stuff was damaged.

Wait, what is this?

Ah! More black mold! The Margate Manor maintenance at it's finest! Why can't they get this right the first time??

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Korean Pears

Got some delicious Korean pears but I cannot find the peeler. This is the second peeler that has gone missing from my kitchen!! Who is coming in here and stealing my peelers?? I digress.

Cut up the pears and Shippo got to have some of that delicious, juicy pear.

Look at him go!

He actually bit my finger in the process and didn't even care!

Friday, April 5, 2019

All that maintenance noise

Chilling in the office while I work from home. Shippo starts to get annoyed with the PCM Electric crew members as they roll in with 5 vehicles to do some electrical work in our apartment complex.

The sound of the drilling in the hallways resonates so loud that I can feel it right next to my ears. Must be worse for Shippo with that cone on his head.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Mom is in quarantine

He knows mama is in there and he wants to get in. Too bad mama is sick. Shippo is super annoying right now because he just wants to sleep in bed with Mama all day but he'll become contaminated if he goes in. Too bad Shippo, you'll just have to deal with it for the next few days!

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Shippo is in a cone

So the swelling on his eye didn't get better by the weekend so he had to wear a temporary cone to prevent scratching until he gets checked out at the vet.

In the mean time, he plays with bubbles.

The vet isn't sure of what he has so they put him on some meds. He gets to sport a new cone but I still think the makeshift cone was better.

UPDATE April 14, 2019:

Swelling went down on his right eye lid so we removed the cone. He started scratching his eyes again and now HIS LEFT EYE LID IS SWOLLEN!